Weapon replicas
Replicas – Weapons replica of rifles, pistols & machine guns
Buy replicas with free shipping, fast delivery & price guarantee!
Replicas ( about replica weapons )
A gun replica gives you the opportunity to own iconic guns that have been retired or are not allowed to be kept in their original form. Many replicas are fantastically well made and can almost be considered handicrafts.
All our replicas are covered by a price guarantee. Should you happen to discover that one of our replicas is cheaper elsewhere, please contact us. We will then adjust the price.
More about replica weapons
Looking for replicas? All replica guns are in our own warehouse and shipped the same day. Sweden's best range of replicas? Simply put, a replica is a copy of a weapon. We offer free shipping, fast delivery and a price guarantee for our replicas! When it comes to replicas, the design has often been redesigned so that you cannot fire live ammunition or launchers. But it can happen in more ways than that.
Replica weapons are extremely popular today as collectors' items. And we understand why. Many replicas have historical and symbolic value. They remind us partly of man's incredible ability to innovate, partly of historical eras - and all that they mean.
With us at BraBilligt you will find lots of replica weapons of all kinds. Click home the replica weapon that appeals to you. Our range of replicas is constantly expanding and we are always on the lookout for new exciting weapon replicas. When a replica runs out of stock, we always do our best to get it home from the manufacturer as soon as we can. In some cases, however, the manufacturers find it difficult to produce replicas at a rate that matches the demand - so take the opportunity to click home your replica weapon once it is in stock!
There is today a growing interest in replicas connected to the Second World War, and BraBilligt today offers several types of replicas for these historic weapons. Buying collectible replicas is growing in popularity year after year. It has become increasingly easy to find high-quality replicas without costing the shirt - and us on Brabilligt tries to offer this high quality at a reasonable price. We have always had many private individuals among the collectors and customers who buy replicas from us. But it is also becoming more and more common for associations, societies and organizations to buy their replicas from us. Become one of our satisfied and happy customers and buy from us too! We always strive to give our customers the best possible price, and should you happen to see a cheaper product on another site, our price guarantee kicks in - then we will do everything to be able to beat the competitor's and give you the best price! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this or our products.
It doesn't matter if you're looking for a western style revolver replica or an older flintlock. We on BraBilligt has replica pistols and rifles from many countries and historical periods. Enjoy the design and beautiful craftsmanship without the risk that comes with owning real guns! These replicas are excellent collectibles and are used in film productions and on stages worldwide.
Questions about an out-of-stock replica? Are you wondering about our price guarantee for our products? Or do you have other questions about some of our replicas? Don't hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can!
Replica Pistol - buy replica pistol
Looking for a new replica gun? We offer free shipping, price guarantee and fast delivery on our replica guns!
More about gun replica (replica gun)
If you're like us, you love replica guns. The history they carry. The aesthetics. The collector's value.
Unlike a regular gun, you don't need a license to own a replica. And that's simply because you can't fire anything with it. The replica is only a model of the fireable original version. But - if you can't shoot, you can collect, and that's what a lot of people do.
Pistol replicas in particular are very popular to collect. And many collectors have a niche, while others have collections with a blissful mix of guns. No matter what type of collector you are or why you are looking for a replica gun, there is a good chance that you will find what you are looking for here with us.
Replica gun from World War II
World War II replicas have become very popular in collecting circles. And we can understand why. On the one hand, many new gun models made their debut at the time, and on the other hand, the general interest in the war is relatively great.
Here at BraBilligt we offer a range of pistol models that were either used or produced during World War II, and all are covered by our price guarantee. If you find a similar edition for a cheaper price elsewhere, you can contact us. In that case, we will correct the price according to the guarantee.
Replica Rifles - Buy Replica Rifles with Free Shipping
Are you looking for a replica model rifle? Then you've come to the right place. Here you can choose from several different models in both classic and modern design and at a lower or higher price. We offer free shipping, price guarantee and fast delivery on all our replica rifles!
Should you find a rifle replica with us that you like, you can be happy for several reasons. In addition to having found the model you are looking for, you have also found it at the cheapest possible price. And that's thanks to our price guarantee. Regardless of which product you buy from us, you can be sure that you bought it as cheaply as possible. Not bad, huh?
More about replica rifles
Are you a history buff? Or do you have a soft spot for westerns? There are many reasons to like rifles. The precision. The range. The design. All are made up of a combination of properties that together create a functional tool. A tool that we have greatly benefited from for many, many years. But not everyone finds the greatest joy in firing the rifle. Many people like to collect them. Let them decorate their homes and present them as historical objects.
Want to buy replicas?
As a replica collector, there are countless rifles to choose from. You can find some of these here with us at BraBilligt.see.
Weapon replicas are exact copies of real weapons, made from materials such as metal, plastic or wood. They are often used for display, reenactment or as props in movies and TV shows. Replicas are usually made to look as close to the real thing as possible and can be used to teach gun safety and handling.
Replicas are not intended to be used as actual weapons and are not capable of firing real ammunition. Replicas are also often made with a non-functional magazine, or with a magazine that cannot hold real ammunition.
Replicas are popular with collectors and can be found in a variety of sizes and styles. They can range from small, decorative pieces to full-sized replicas of real weapons.
Visit our sister site for more replicas
Also check out our range of replicas on our sister site dedicated entirely to all things pangpang - https://ak47.nu/produkt-kategori/replikor/
Showing 1 – 28 of 291 results
.357 Magnum Python Revolver 2″ Replica
790 kr Choose or customize -
.357 Magnum Python Revolver 4″ Replica
790 kr Choose or customize -
.357 Magnum Python Revolver 6″ Replica
790 kr Choose or customize -
1318 – MOD. 73 USA 1873 Jumper repeater replica
2,190 kr - 2,390 kr Select variant This product has several variants. The various options can be selected on the product page -
2 DUELING PISTOLS, 18TH. C. Replica pistols by denix
The original price was: SEK 1,190.990 krThe current price is: SEK 990. Choose or customize -
34 – CAL.30-06 Springfield cartridge hanger
The original price was: SEK 199.149 krThe current price is: SEK 149. Choose or customize -
6 point sheriff star badge - replica
The original price was: SEK 199.129 krThe current price is: SEK 129. Choose or customize -
American civil war navy revolver 1851
1,359 kr Choose or customize -
American civil war navy revolver 1851
1,359 kr Choose or customize -
American civil war navy revolver 1851
1,359 kr Choose or customize -
Belt with double holster and bullets
2,499 kr Choose or customize -
Belt with right side holster and bullets
1,999 kr Choose or customize -
Beretta 92 F 9mm Replica pistol
950 kr Choose or customize -
Beretta 92 F 9mm Replica pistol
899 kr Choose or customize -
Letter Opener - Granada Dagger
The original price was: SEK 90.81 krThe current price is: SEK 81. Choose or customize -
Letter opener - Granada knife
The original price was: SEK 135.121.50 krThe current price is: SEK 121.50. Choose or customize -
Letter opener – Gumia knife
The original price was: SEK krThe current price is: SEK 97.88. Choose or customize -
Letter opener - Hindu katar dagger
The original price was: SEK 337.50.303.75 krThe current price is: SEK 303.75. Choose or customize -
Letter opener – Hindu knife
The original price was: SEK krThe current price is: SEK 97.88. Choose or customize -
Letter opener - Italian dagger
The original price was: SEK 90.81 krThe current price is: SEK 81. Choose or customize -
Letter opener - Madrid knife
The original price was: SEK 135.121.50 krThe current price is: SEK 121.50. Choose or customize -
Letter Opener – Mini Tizona Dagger
The original price was: SEK 90.81 krThe current price is: SEK 81. Choose or customize -
Letter Opener - Morisco Dagger
The original price was: SEK 90.81 krThe current price is: SEK 81. Choose or customize -
Letter opener – Moro knife
The original price was: SEK 90.81 krThe current price is: SEK 81. Choose or customize -
Letter opener – Murcian knife with sheath
The original price was: SEK 135.121.50 krThe current price is: SEK 121.50. Choose or customize -
Letter opener - saber knife
The original price was: SEK 90.81 krThe current price is: SEK 81. Choose or customize -
Letter opener - Segovian knife
The original price was: SEK 135.121.50 krThe current price is: SEK 121.50. Choose or customize -
Letter opener - Seville knife
The original price was: SEK 135.121.50 krThe current price is: SEK 121.50. Choose or customize